Sustainable Urbanisation: Southeast Asia's Transition to Clean Energy

Sustainable Urbanisation: Southeast Asia's Transition to Clean Energy

Building a path towards widespread adoption and distribution of renewable energy presents challenges that need to be met within the context of increasing urbanisation. This report highlights how cities should make better use of technology to do more with less.

Sustainable Urbanisation: Southeast Asia's Transition to Clean Energy Masthead

With 100 million more people expected to migrate to cities by 2030, energy demand in Southeast Asia (SEA) is projected to increase by 70 per cent between 2015 and 2040. Urban centres are undoubtedly driving the region’s transformation and economic growth – cities such as Singapore are crucial players in the region’s clean energy transition and in turn, sustainable development.

To sustainably meet these rising energy demands, this energy transition must be built around the following:

  • increased reliability of power supply,
  • enhanced energy security, and
  • regionally collaborative infrastructure that supports a diversified energy mix.

As part of a 3-part series on Sustainable Urbanisation, produced by Hello Tomorrow Asia Pacific and supported by the Singapore Global Network (SGN), this report examines how ASEAN has intensified efforts to drive the sustainable transformation and development of new cities, looking at four countries in particular – Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. The report also examines the challenges that need to be met, and innovations that could present possible solutions.

Download the full report for more details.

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