Singapore Trust Mark

Get in touch

If you have questions or comments regarding EDB or our services, please contact Client Services by filling out and submitting the following form. All fields marked (*) are required when completing this form.

If you are from the media and have a query, please contact EDB’s Brand, Marketing and Communications team directly. Their contact details are available here.

How can we contact you?

What is your enquiry about?

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your company

Help us understand your company so we can better advise you.

What areas would you like to collaborate with the local enterprises on?

Please be as specific as possible, for example:
Increase manufacturing capacity by x%
Diversify supply chain for specific components
Acquire new capability through working with new partners to enter a new market

Are there specific capabilities from local partners that you are looking for?

Where possible, please elaborate on your pre-requisites for the local enterprise e.g. job scope, expected price point, specific capabilities/regulatory certifications, so that we can better assess and match your interest.

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your company

Help us understand your company so we can better advise you.

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your company

Help us understand your company so we can better advise you.

EDB officers are expected to carry out their duties in accordance to EDB’s Service Standards and Core Values. To feedback to EDB about our service quality, please contact our Quality Service Manager by clicking here.

For all other issues including to report scams or phishing attempts, please use the enquiry form above or contact the main line at +65 6832 6832.