The Smart Move: Empowering Sustainable Innovation

The Smart Move: Empowering Sustainable Innovation

The Smart Move: Singapore: Empowering Sustainable Innovation masthead image

Singapore is internationally recognised as a launchpad for startups with the Startup Genome 2023 study ranking Singapore 8th in Global Startup Ecosystem. Besides a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, Singapore provides extensive support for startups through government initiatives, incubators, accelerators, and industry-specific programs. Singapore has also invested heavily in its sustainability agenda. The Green Plan aims to achieve several key targets over the next 10 years. These targets include planting 1 million more trees, quadrupling solar energy deployment by 2025, reducing waste sent to landfill by 30% by 2030. The collaborative ecosystem fosters growth and success, while promoting responsible business practices.

The July 2023 edition of "The Smart Move" highlights the success stories of four start-ups that were attracted to Singapore’s thriving startup ecosystem and its status as a hub in Asia for green technologies. These companies have strategically positioned themselves by offering innovative and streamlined technologies, attracting local talent, data-driven solutions, leveraging their domain expertise, and developing intelligent platforms.

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