Supporting Southeast Asia’s path to Net Zero: Opportunities for carbon services firms in the region

Supporting Southeast Asia’s path to Net Zero: Opportunities for carbon services firms in the region

Supporting Southeast Asia’s path to Net Zero: Opportunities for carbon services firms in the region

Southeast Asia is projected to become the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2030; it also possesses almost a quarter of the world’s supply of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). With its twin goals of economic and sustainable development, the region can be a great opportunity for carbon services firms – and Singapore can play a key role.

"Supporting Southeast Asia’s path to Net Zero” delves into the dynamics of SEA’s transition to a low-carbon economy. The report covers the following:

  • Southeast Asia’s progress in sustainability on both corporate and regional levels;
  • Challenges companies face as they embark on sustainable development efforts;
  • Key demand areas for carbon services in the region; and
  • Policies in Singapore that support companies’ transition to a low-carbon future.
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