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Frequently Asked Questions

Applying for Tech@SG

For companies with a need to bring in or build up your core team in Singapore, the Tech@SG Programme offers you greater certainty of having your EPs approved.

Under this programme, the Economic Development Board (EDB) and Enterprise Singapore will work with MOM to give favourable consideration to up to 10 EP applications that your company submits subsequently.

It will take about 10-15 working days for companies’ application for the Tech@SG Programme to be processed.

If your company is eligible for the programme, you will receive an endorsement letter from EDB and Enterprise Singapore. With this endorsement letter, your company’s subsequent EP applications (up to the 10 EPs approved) would be favourably considered by MOM.

Yes, as information of specific employees are not required when applying for the programme. Your company will only be required to provide a brief description of the job roles to be hired (e.g. job designation) and their estimated annual salaries.

Tech@SG is intended for companies to build up your core team, and thus only supports EP applications for new employees.

For all new EPs supported under the Tech@SG Programme, the support extends to cover the first renewal (i.e. additional coverage of up to 3 years). Applicants will still have to apply for renewals through MOM. Support for the renewal will be based on the Tech@SG Programme eligibility criteria for individuals.

In total, an EP can be supported by the Tech@SG Programme for up to 5 years. After 5 years, the EP will be renewable under standard EP guidelines.

For full details on the validity of EPs, please refer to the MOM guidelines.

While there are no quotas for the total EPs granted at the programme-level, at the company-level, each qualifying company will have a cap of up to 10 EP applications considered favourably by MOM.

Companies will be informed of the number of EPs assigned to them in the letter notifying them of their successful application to the Tech@SG Programme.

To apply for the Tech@SG Programme, applicants would need to log in with a CorpPass account that has been configured to access the EDB Form SG e-service. Learn how to set up EDB Form SG access (2.4MB PDF)

The application form must also be completed in one session as there is no save to draft feature. It is estimated to take 15-20 minutes and the following information would be required:

  • Company information:
    • Parent company name
    • Local entity name
    • Company website
    • Company headquarters location and city
    • Description of primary business activity
  • 200-word Singapore company business plan description
  • Details on up to 10 core team members, including:
    • Designation
    • Years of experience, and
    • Expected annual salary (including benefits)
  • Supporting documents uploaded (not more than 7MB in PDF, PNG or JPEG formats) to prove company meets both total funds raised and investment from programme-recognised investment firm criteria

Qualifying for Tech@SG

Companies must have received funding (no minimum amount) from a programme-recognised investment firm in the past 36 months.

EDB and Enterprise Singapore are committed to expanding this list of recognised investment firms that are reputable and have strong investment track records.

The Tech@SG Programme is targeted at companies in the growth stage, and in the phase of rapidly building up their core team.

For companies that have raised less than US$10 million of funding, EDB and Enterprise Singapore can provide other forms of assistance to help you set up and grow your business in Singapore. Get an overview of EDB and Enterprise Singapore services (178KB PDF)

For foreign companies setting up in Singapore, learn how EDB can support you.

For local companies that have received investments from one of the programme-recognised investment firms, you may consult with them for further assistance on other support programmes available.

Yes, your company may reapply for these EPs after being accepted into the programme. Please note that the EP applicant would still need to pass MOM’s background and due diligence checks.

Post-application for Tech@SG

Unsuccessful applications will not have bearing on your EP applications. These will be screened by MOM per their standard considerations for EP applications.

Learn about MOM’s standard considerations

A company can only apply for and be accepted into Tech@SG once. After you have hired up to 10 EPs approved under the Tech@SG Programme, you can continue to hire EPs by applying directly to MOM. The applications will be evaluated in accordance with MOM’s mainstream criteria for EPs.

While there are no conditions tied to the Tech@SG Programme, the objective of the programme is for companies to build competitive teams that can grow the business.

Employers are encouraged to build up their local teams through training and capability transfer efforts.

Companies should also engage in fair hiring practices set out under the Fair Consideration Framework. View details on the MOM website

Your company will need to appeal directly to MOM in order for MOM to reconsider the application. 

MOM would have provided the reasons for the unsuccessful work pass application in the letter of rejection. We advise that you only consider an appeal if you can address the issues the MOM has raised in your rejection advisory.

Companies with a locally registered entity with less than 30% Singapore ownership should submit an application to EDB for the Tech@SG Programme.

Companies with a locally registered entity having at least 30% Singapore ownership can apply through Startup SG, an entity of Enterprise Singapore.

FAQ for investment firms

Your investment in the company, if it was made in the past 36 months, is part of the eligibility criteria for the company to qualify for the programme. The company will have to put in an application to the programme, with supporting documents validating that the amount of investments received in the past 36 months is more than US$10 million.

Please assist your investee company should they approach you for supporting documents (e.g. proof of funds transfer).

Your investee company can only qualify for the programme if they had been invested by an investment firm in the list within the past 36 months. The company would also need to have raised more than US$10 million in the past 36 months.

We assess the investment firms based on funding track record, reputation and linkages to Singapore. Your portfolio companies should also have investment plans for Singapore. The published list is non-exhaustive and will be periodically revised and updated.