BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton masthead

Singapore serves as a key node in BHP’s global operations, offering vital support for its marketing, procurement, market intelligence, freight and technology functions.

What convinced the Australian resource giant to make Singapore a key location to serve its fast-growing Asian market are the city-state’s strong finance, logistics and technology capabilities, its deep ecosystem of metals and energy players, and well-trained talent pool.

BHP is a world-leading resources company that extracts and processes minerals, oil and gas, with more than 60,000 employees and contractors, primarily in Australia and the Americas. BHP is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and its products are sold worldwide, with sales and marketing led through Singapore and Houston, United States.

With over 70% of BHP’s sales located in Asia, along with a considerable number of its strategic suppliers, the company relies on its global marketing and procurement teams to build strong commercial relationships and market insights from its interactions with the diverse ecosystem of buyers, sellers and other market participants in Singapore.  This allows the team to optimise its commercial strategies across BHP’s inward and outward global supply chain.

Singapore, with its strong network of info-communications technology service providers and research institutes, is also an excellent site for housing BHP’s technology architecture for enterprise and operational hardware. Its technology team here implements transformative initiatives across the group, reaping productivity savings and improving operating performance levels.

In total, BHP has around 400 people in Singapore.


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