Manufacturing the Future from Singapore

Manufacturing the Future from Singapore

An all-you-need to know guide for manufacturers seeking to expand in Southeast Asia by leveraging Singapore’s innovation, R&D, talent, connectivity and manufacturing ecosystem.

Manufacturing the Future from Singapore

Keen to explore Singapore’s robust advanced manufacturing system for growth? We’re a valuable partner to globally-leading players from Micron to Evonik to EDP Renewables APAC, with strengths in the following areas:

  • Robust ecosystem with pre-built infrastructure; "plug and play" environment; network of leading manufacturers, technology solutions providers; world-class R&D ecosystem and future-ready workforce
  • Tailored approach to accelerate transformation efforts and scale up adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies
  • Proximity to Southeast Asia’s manufacturing capacities and access to the region’s growing markets

Work with us to get your business up and running with ease.
Download our "Manufacturing the Future from Singapore" pocket guide for a list of essential resources, government support and partners today.

*EDB's Manufacturing from Singapore guide may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior written permission of EDB. More details in our terms of use.

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