Guide to transforming Singapore's Supply Chain Management workforce

Guide to transforming Singapore's Supply Chain Management workforce

Learn how trends are transforming supply chain job scopes and how businesses can equip and prepare supply chain talent for digitalised, resilient, agile and sustainable supply chains.

guide to transforming singapores supply chain management workforce

Global trends - from digitalisation to sustainability, and the push for greater resilience and diversification - are reshaping Supply Chain Management (SCM) functions and roles. SCM cuts across a wide range of industries and typically comprises five main functions: Planning, Sourcing & Procurement, Manufacturing, Distribution and Logistics, and Enabler.

This new study uncovers the impact of global trends on supply chain management jobs and skills in Singapore and offers insights into how businesses can adapt their operating models and workforce policies accordingly.

The report will provide:

  • An overview of the SCM landscape and how Singapore has emerged as a preferred SCM hub;
  • Offer insights into the variety of career pathways in SCM;
  • Impact assessment of global trends on SCM job roles and skill sets;
  • Recommendations and guidelines for businesses to equip professionals with emerging SCM skills, including government initiatives and available courses

The Supply Chain Management Jobs Transformation Map (SCM JTM) was jointly commissioned by EDB, Workforce Singapore and Ministry of Manpower, with the support of SkillsFuture Singapore. The information therein is accurate as of December 2022.

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