Sustainable Urbanisation: Decarbonising Southeast Asia's Built Environment

Sustainable Urbanisation: Decarbonising Southeast Asia's Built Environment

The building and construction industry plays an integral role in orchestrating and materialising our transition towards sustainable urbanisation. This paper highlights the challenges Southeast Asia faces in decarbonising its built environment and shares promising solutions that bring hope.

Sustainable Urbanisation - Decarbonising SEA's Built Environment masthead

The construction sector is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector of the economy. Southeast Asia’s challenge is ushering 100m more people by 2030 into its cities on the back of climate change and doing so sustainably.

A few shared perspectives from industry professionals on the path to sustainability stand out:

  • Concerted and collective action is needed at an industry level
  • The reduction in embodied carbon is difficult and must be prioritized
  • Consumer behaviours and market perceptions must be changed with education
  • Legislation and regulation would boost momentum and accelerate greening of the industry

As part of a 3-part series on Sustainable Urbanisation, produced by Hello Tomorrow Asia Pacific and supported by the Singapore Global Network (SGN), this report frames Southeast Asia’s building and construction landscape, and contemplates this mass migration as an opportunity to build better and more sustainably.

SGN is a division under the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), and a community on a mission to build meaningful connections across the globe with Singapore at its heart. For first dibs on networking events, webinars, job opportunities and insights like these, join the network here.

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